CHAPARRAL - Colombia | Decaf
CHAPARRAL - Colombia | Decaf

CHAPARRAL - Colombia | Decaf

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This coffee comes from Surcafe who are an association of coffee growers in the southern part of Tolima, Colombia. They are located in the “cañón de las hermosas”, a national park known for its beauty. In the past it has also an are heavily affected by the civil war within Colombia and the Guerilla warfare. In this area the farms range from 1500 - 2100 masl.
Size: 250g
Grind for: Whole beans

Chaparral - Tolima, COLOMBIA

Country: Colombia

Region: Inza

Process: Washed

Varietal: Mixed

Altitude: 1800-2000

Flavour Note: Apple, red currant, and raisin with a juicy crisp body and toffee finish.

Strength: Medium

This coffee comes from Surcafe which are an association of coffee growers in the southern part of Tolima, Colombia. They are located in the “cañón de las hermosas”, a national park known for its beauty. In the past, it has also an are heavily affected by the civil war within Colombia and the Guerilla warfare. In this area, the farms range from 1500 - 2100 masl.

The association was created in September 2017 with the goal of improving quality and helping find new markets for their coffees. It is made up of 117 associates, with 43 of them being organic certified.

Siruma are partners in Colombia started working with the group at the end of 2021. In 2022 Siruma's agronomist in Tolima has been taking baseline measurements within the group to help identify areas of need for the production of coffee as well as the commercial organization of the group.

In 2022 Siruma's agronomist in Tolima has been taking baseline measurements within the group to help identify areas of need for the production of coffee as well as the commercial organization of the group. Siruma's agronomist has been implementing workshops with 24 members of the group attending a session. This currently is aimed at the next crop for harvest selection and pulping to ensure correct machine calibration to prevent loss/damage to the coffee.

 All coffee is processed at micro wet mills on their small 1 - 4 Ha farms. Where they pick, pulp, and ferment the coffees and then dry them in solar tents or on the roofs. Once ready the coffee is then delivered to the associations' collection point and cupped where Siruma then receives samples to approve the physical quality and cup quality.